
The Computational Making of POLYHEDR.a


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ALO s.r.l.



POLYHEDR.a is a recursive parametric system originally developed by ALO Co.Re.+D. Starting from the digital skin of an irregular polyhedral morphology with zero thickness, the system digitally builds the 3D geometry as well all fabrication and assembly features necessary to build the artefact with thin plywood panels. Most noteworthy, the system can process morphologies that feature more than three faces meeting in one node and convex-concave shape.

After setting up the thickness of the building material (i.e. 15mm plywood), the system calculates the bisector planes. Then it builds the Quartabuono joint (a.k.a mitre joint); defines the position of the dowels between adjacent faces; sets the position of the connection fasteners between building sub-modules and places the tags on the faces to drive the fast and “blind” assembly done without traditional 2D drawings.

Finally, the system unfolds the pieces in 2D ready for manufacturing. Above all, POLYHEDR.a orients the parts in 2D as to obtain a consistent direction of the grain of the wood panels along the final object. This advanced feature ensures a subtle and organic monolithic effect for the natural wood finishing.

POLYHEDR.a has a brother, POLYHEDR.a/r which allows to develop formwork components to cast irregular polyhedral concrete components; both versions facilitated the design for the renovation project of the Fine Guest House Villa Vi.

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